Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tell us a little something more about these folks...

You are in line to check out at the supermarket. You notice the guy currently being checked is buying every knife the place sells, all sizes, every single one. His shopping cart is filled with knives.

At a wedding reception, a bridesmaid is deliberately stepping on the long veil of the happily dancing bride.

A child stands alone in front of school as other children are being picked up by car pooling parents. He is completely ignored by the other children and adults.

The "bag" lady pushing the shopping cart loaded up with filled garbage bags is wearing expensive shoes and jewelry.

An entire family is found, in their station wagon located in the parking lot of a Las Vegas luxury resort, in what seems to be a catatonic state or state of "suspended animation." Mom, Dad, kids, all of them with eyes open but nobody's home.


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