Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Things People Say

These are quotes taken directly from news stories. People actually said these things. Can you invent a character for any of these quotes? Who said it and why? What is that person like? Can you write a paragraph or scene or story to follow after a quote?


"I had goose bumps the moment I heard it.''

"I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year."

“We can’t see the Earth-like planets yet."

"We didn't test that."

"It's not the time to have a hurricane party."

"So I hired eight welfare recipients to work in my office."

"It was human error."

"I've been a police officer for nine years. I've seen a lot of death. She definitely appeared dead."

"I'm willing to go to trial."

"You have done more for the collective unconscious of this planet than you will ever know."

"I have two children, but if I was living in parts of Africa I'd have a one in five chance of dying during childbirth."

"Reality television meets news and war ... tanks going into Baghdad with splashes of Viagra commercials in between. I was just so confused about what was going on. "

"...from what he described, it sounded as big as a freight train."


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