Thursday, June 21, 2007


"Mentalrobics" is a fun little list of brain exercises found on the Braingle website (and it has all kinds of fun - trivia, brain twisters, games, riddles, and more). Here's a few examples of their Creativity Exercises:

Creativity: Superhero

This little exercise will help you unleash your creativity.

Pretend that you are in charge of coming up with a new superhero for a comic book. Take 5 minutes and come up with as many unique creative names as you can for this superhero.

What is his or her super power?

How many did you get?

0-5 You need to practice.
5-10 Pretty good. Next time try for double.
11-20 Good job!
20+ You have an excellent imagination.

You can repeat this exercise as many times as you want with different products (try our Chocolate Cereal exercise). The more you practice the better you'll get.

Creativity :: Number Exercises

These number exercises will help improve your concentration and mental endurance.

1. Recite all the numbers between 1 and 100 that contain the digit 3 (3, 13, 23...).

2. Count down from 200 by 7s (200, 193, 186...).

3. Recite the numbers by alternatly counting up by 2s and by 3s (2-3, 4-6, 6-9, 8-12...).

4. Try reciting a number series while writing down a different series. Pick any number series you want (up by 2s, down by 7s, every number containing 4s, etc.).

Feel free to modify these exercises and practice them to increase your ability.

Creativity :: Brainstorm Rule: Be Visual

Every brainstorm should have a large stack of paper and pens because one of the best ways to communicate your ideas in a Brainstorm is to be visual. Draw it, act it out, or make a little model out of pencils and rubber bands.

The more visual you can make your idea, the better you will be able to communicate it to the group, and the quicker they will be able to understand and build on it.

Another part of being visual is that all the ideas should be written where everyone can see them. A whiteboard or big sheet of paper works well for this. Write big so everyone can read the ideas. At the end of the brainstorm, you can have everyone use Post-its or colored markers to vote for their favorite ideas.


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