Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Creativity Toolbox

Brainline - Brainstorming process that outlines your challenge, stimulates creative thinking, and collects ideas from participants around the world.

100-Whats - What-if questions from Don the Idea Guy.

Free the Genie - Four ways to use 55 prompts from the Idea Champions

Idea-A-Day - Over 700 free ideas and growing.

Idea Lottery - Connection tool from the Idea ChampionsJob Force - Takes inspiration from occupations.

Jump Start - A catalytic "oomph" from the Idea Champions

Naming Prompts - Suggests 100 ways to think about naming.

QuotAmaze - Follow a chain of quotations to inspiration.

Ricliché - Uses playfully distorted proverbs as prompts.

Sloganeeze - Draws inspiration from advertising slogans.

Star Force - Asks how famous people might solve your problem.

Whack Pack - Roger von Oech's deck of cards.

WordGizmo - Creates new words to inspire you.


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