Sunday, November 27, 2005

Explain this "catch-phrase"

No, don't go to your nearest website or attempt to write down someone else's already written down definitions for the following phrases. Instead, write a paragraph or screenplay formatted scene or a short story or poem that illustrates the gist of the word. The theme of your piece IS the meaning of the word. Got it? Good. Now, do it.

Oh yeah... since theme is central and unifying, you wouldn't want to try more than one phrase at a time for any one piece of writing. One phrase per writing sample...

And here are your "theme phrases":

mountain spring water
native born
urban legend
single parent
cushiony soft
Okay, after you've done your paragraph or essay or short story with a theme determined by ONE of the above phrases, go ahead and see if you can write a piece that uses ALL of the above words (no particular theme requirement, that will be up to you).
Want an even tougher challenge? Write ten "theme pieces," each one based on one of the above phrases.


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